Ethos & Formula

Our Ethos & Formula
Numbers..Numbers and symbols when arranged correctly make formulas. When Symbols and numbers of any equation are calculated in the correct measure, form and order you reach your aim and answer. Our aim through Burgernomics is to apply this theory to our favourite “go to” comfort food. The humble burger.


You may Ask? What is this Formula?
The aim of the Burgernomics formula is simple. “The highest quality ingredients, coupled with our scientific and technical approach to ensure our customer get the best EVERY time..ALL the time”.


Our Meat
At Burgernomics we are committed to using, 100% Halal, Tayyib (more on this below), Organic High Quality British meat. We believe this is what will make our Burgers taste so good and special!


The Third Key aspect of our Formula is that all of our meat is 100% Organic. The Organic process needs no introduction. With a Burgernomics Burger you can enjoy our Burgers with the added full benefit knowing that is not only Halal, Tayyib but also Organic. We hope that the combination of these three factors, that cone together to form “The Burgernomics Hallmark!”


Tayyib?..what is this?
You may be thinking, Halal..Obvs! Whats Tayyib? The world Tayyib means to be good, clean, wholesome, gentle, excellent, fair and lawful. We believe in using meat that has been reared using the highest of welfare standards. From Farm to Fork, Our supply chain ensures this, which we have seen first hand.